Simply Sunday 6/2/19

Hi Friends! I’m a girl that thrives best with routine, so I thought I would share my Sunday routine with you. We all have different ways to stay on track, but this is what works for me.

Church: We attend and are active in church and small groups on Sunday mornings. It is important to us to be connected to a body of believers consistently, week after week. For us, the church service is just as important as connecting with a small group.

Lunch with my parents: Paul & I eat lunch every Sunday with my parents. We pick up something to go and bring it to their house to eat. It gives us this uninterrupted, face to face time, investing in the lives of those who mean so much.

Sunday Nap: We take a nap every Sunday and love it!!

Grocery Shopping & Meal Planning: If necessary, I go too the grocery store (not my favorite thing to do). I will also plan our meals / lunches for the week. I enjoy bringing a salad with rotisserie chicken on top for lunch on days I work. On Sunday I will make the salads in separate containers so I am ready to go each day.

Exercise: I walk on my treadmill and watch Netflix for about 45 minutes.

Self Care: Deep Condition my hair with a Hair Masque, wash my makeup brushes, use a face masque, shave my arms (the top of my arms), shave the peach fuzz off my face (it does not grow back black or weird), trim nose hair and if needed, polish my nails.

I have found that if I’m not intentional, it is so easy to let things slip into unhealthy and lazy choices. So, please let me know what your Sundays look like! How do you prepare for the week? I love learning from you!! Have a great week! Michelle

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