Not Today Satan

Have you ever had any one of those days when you can just feel the oppression of the enemy over your life? It can be exhausting! He can be relentless and doesn’t think twice about kicking us when we are down. The sooner we recognize where is oppressive feeling is coming from, the sooner we can deal with it!

Satan has no authority over you, except that which you give him. So we want to be mindful of when we are slowly giving him access to our lives. Remember, he is like serpent, slinky and slithery, looking for any area of our life to creep into. Our best defense is to stay closely connected in our ongoing relationship with Jesus. When we make time for God every day, God then prepares us for what is ahead. He already knows what you will be facing and wants to get you ready…but He can’t do that if we don’t show up (relationally speaking). We have to do our part.

Something else that I didn’t realize for years is the power I have over the enemy to rebuke him away from me and away from my children. There is power in speaking scripture over your circumstance! (Great example is the movie ‘War Room’) You and I have the authority in Jesus Name to command Satan to flee. The next time you feel him coming after you, I challenge you to command him out loud, that he has no place, he has no right and he must leave in Jesus Name!

Don’t let the power God has given you lay dormant. Use it!

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth… Philippians 2:10

There is power in the Name of Jesus! Have a great Sunday!

Blessings ~ Michelle 

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