It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way

I think I’m going to get Lysa TerKeurst new book entitled It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. I have been looking at it ever since it came out, wanting to get it, but never did. I love everything I have read by Lysa, she is an amazing author & speaker. (Here is the book)

We recently had an unexpected turn of events in our family that has caused great sadness, disappointment, anger and grief. This didn’t happen to me, but to one of my children. So to honor his privacy, I will not share specifics. I can say our family is so blessed in so many ways and we will get through this. I’m still sorting out all of the emotions that have come to the surface and working with God on each one. Even though my heart is hurting, God is still good. When life feels unfair, He is still good. When it doesn’t make sense, He is still good. God’s goodness is never in question. And I know that how we respond to circumstances speaks volumes about our character.

I get stuck in that place of replaying in my mind the conversation I’d like to have with the one that made the decision that changed my son’s life. Do you ever do that? I have an entire speech ready…But God allows me to say it to Him, get it off my chest and leave it at His feet.

So, it seems like a good time to go ahead and get that book. I’ll let you know how I like it! If you have it, let me know if it has helped you or if you have enjoyed it.

On a lighter note…here is a look at a few fun pieces I recently purchased. Links are listed below if you are interested!


White Jeans

Similar Pink Top



Thanks for letting me vent! ~ Michelle

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