1/2 Way through 2021

Can you believe that in one week we will be half way through the year? I am a goal setter, and I like to look back and review how I did and what I can do different in several categories. Before we do, let me show you a few items I have been loving and wearing on repeat!

Now, let’s dive into a few topics!

Physically: Are you where you want or need to be with your weight? How is your diet? Are you drinking enough water each day? Do you get enough sleep? Are you taking the vitamins and supplements you need to be taking? Are you exercising regularly? Are you up to date on Doctor, Dentist and Eye appointments? These are the questions I ask myself about my physical well being. In some areas I am doing well, and of course in some, I need to improve. Stopping at the half way mark of 2021 allows me to make changes for the second half of the year.

Family: If your parents are still living, are you checking in on them regularly? Do you intentionally set aside time to invest in them? How are Date Nights going with your spouse? Are they a priority? How is your communication with your kids? I know for me, I can get discouraged if my kids don’t call often enough. But instead of getting down about it, I text them (because that’s how they communicate most of the time) and encourage them with words of affirmation. We FaceTime with each of our children on Sunday afternoons, to lay eyes on them, encourage them and make sure all is ok.

Friends: Are you checking in on your friends? Are you intentionally investing in your friend relationships? I have found that without intentionality, time can pass and we just don’t talk. Set up lunch dates, coffee dates, FaceTime dates.

Spiritually: Are you where you want to be spiritually? Are you plugged into a good church? Are you serving others? And let me say this…sometimes we can be serving others too much (I’ve been there). Is there balance? Are you reading God’s Word? I know some of these questions are hard. I am beating myself up over many of them. But, like I said, we have an opportunity to make changes for the second half of the year and finish strong.

Business / Job: Are you where you wan to be in your business? If so, congratulations! If not, are there areas you could make changes in to see better results? This is a great time to re-evaluate and set new goals for the second half of the year.

I hope this is ok. It is NOT my intention to step on toes. I am stepping on my own, I promise! Let me know if there is an area where you intend to make a few changes. Let’s finish 2021 strong!

Talk Soon~Michelle

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4 thoughts on “1/2 Way through 2021

  1. Those are really good points. Thank you for sharing! I feel so blessed to have 2 of my children as neighbors and though one of them lives 3 hours away, we talk everyday. Sometimes I feel the need to reach out to young adults and especially those newly married and encourage them to keep in touch with their parents as that can be such a tough transition. Everyone lives busy lives and all these things have to be intentional. Love your sincerity!! Keep up the good work!

    1. That’s awesome that you talk with your kids everyday. I talk with one everyday, and another about every other. I totally hear you about encouraging young adults to keep in communication with their parents! It’s so important.

  2. Great thoughts and reminders Michelle! I just can’t believe we are half way through the year! I like to break up my goals into categories too!

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