Hi Friend!,

Today we’re talking about vitamins and supplements that we take. I will be sharing mine, and my friends will be sharing theirs on their blog, so please go check out what they are doing.

Cindy is at cindyhannamblog / Cammi is at cammiallen.com / D’Arcy is at dear-darcy.com and Lisa is at coasttocoast2
Ok, let’s dive into what I take.

Every morning in my coffee I put this collagen powder in and stir. I do not notice a taste at all. I feel like it has really helped in strengthening my nails and hair.

I also take Vitamin D in the morning. My doctor has told me to take 5000 IU a day. It is really important to have your blood levels checked to find out areas you may need to supplement.

I also take this probiotic. Actually, both my husband and I take it. It is a chewable and honestly tastes like candy. Click here to order yours. There are so many advantages to taking a probiotic, it helps a multitude of things.

I also take Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies. Right now they are running a special, if you shop through my link you will get 20% off (this will be good only in July). Click here to shop.
And that’s it! I was doing Hormone Replacement Therapy and saw very good results. Then the pandemic hit and I just stopped. I definitely will be looking back into it soon and I will keep you updated.
I want to articulate that my doctor and I discuss all of this. It is so important to find out what your body needs, because we are all different.
I also walk at least 3 miles a day. Paul and I walk together in the mornings before it gets too hot. I honestly hate to exercise. I’m not one to go to a gym…but I enjoy walking with my husband or listening to podcasts.
What I eat in a day: I do intermittent fasting. I do not eat anything before noon. And then anything I eat will be from the hours of noon and 8pm. So for breakfast, I don’t eat anything, but have 2 cups of coffee with Unsweetened Vanilla Flavored Almond Milk.
A typical lunch for me would be a salad made with the following ingredients: Butter lettuce, shredded carrots, broccoli, mini bell peppers, chicken or avocado, a little fresh parmesan cheese and a few Whisps Cheese Crisps (instead of croutons) on top. I rotate salad dressings, my favorites are Trader Joe’s Green Goddess or Good Seasons Zesty Italian (that you make at home in the glass bottle). And Iced Tea sweetened with Splenda.
Another thing I do for lunch is make a plate that has turkey slices, hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes or carrots and snack on it between noon and 2pm just eating a little at a time.
One more lunch option is a smoothie. Here is what I put in the blender: ice, 1/2 banana, berries (usually blueberries or strawberries), 1 T of almond butter, 1 scoop of protein powder. 1 T honey and 1 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. On days that I have a smoothie for lunch I usually will grab about a 1/2 cup of almonds around 3:00 to hold me until dinner.
Obviously this is when I am home during the day. Since I work from home, most days I can do this. If I’m out and about honestly, it’s just about making good choices and eating in moderation. I’m not militant about what I eat and don’t eat, I just try to choose healthy.
I also drink a lot of water each day. I use this water bottle to keep track and drink 64 ounces a day.
A typical dinner would be Salmon, Sautéed Broccoli and roasted potatoes. We also love Egg Roll in a Bowl. Paul likes to grill chicken and then we eat it through the week on salads, make chicken salad, pasta with grilled chicken…Sometimes I’ll make a homemade shrimp pizza, or fish tacos.
Eating Out: Every Sunday we eat lunch as a family with my parents and our youngest son (who lives close). We order take out from a favorite restaurant and take it to my parents house to eat. It’s hard for my parents to hear in a restaurant, so we prefer to eat at home and enjoy visiting better.
Paul and I try to go on a date night once a week. We usually get Mexican food. I allow myself to eat and enjoy, but not over do it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I know I don’t always choose healthy, but for the most part, this is what I will be eating. Thanks for hanging out with me here. Let’s talk soon!, Michelle
It’s so fun to see how everyone deals with the aging process and what they take.
I agree, I am learning so much!
I love those Losers Chews. I take them every day. XOXO
They taste like candy!
I am like you and could LIVE on Mexican food! You eat WAYYY healthier than I do most days! Good girl! 😉
Michelle, just so much good info here! Supplements can be so tricky, and difficult to find just the right ones. I haven’t tried the apple cider vinegar gummies yet, but I want to.