Hi Ladies!,
Moving away from Fashion and Beauty to touch on something a little more serious. Mental Health is so important and NOTHING to be ashamed of. So here is what has been happening with me lately…
A couple of weeks ago I started having chest pain and felt like my heart was beating irregularly. I thought it was probably anxiety, but needed to look into it. I went to my PCP and although everything seems fine, they wanted me to see a Cardiologist. So yesterday I saw a Cardiologist, and everything was normal…but he wants me to have an ultrasound and treadmill test. I have that scheduled and will go in two weeks.

I’m giving you all this background to finally arrive back to anxiety. That isn’t my final diagnosis, but I really feel like that is where we will land. I have taken prescription medication for anxiety for about 10 years now, and wondering if it’s time to update what I’m taking or change it all together.
So I’m still in the in between with of all of this. I will keep you updated on the final outcome with test results, etc.

How are YOU doing? Are you ok? Because if you are not ok, please look into it and do what you need to do to feel healthy emotionally, physically and relationally.
I’m here if you need me. I am thankful for you!!
Talk Soon~ Michelle