Hi Ladies!
Have you ever looked into a closet full of clothes and said “I have nothing to wear?” If so, you could be in a style rut. Before you go buy new pieces, it might be better to look at what you already own. The beginning of the year is a great time to do a closet refresh.
Many times we hang on to clothes because of sentimental reasons, or we are convinced that we will fit back into it someday. Hopefully todays guide will help get you started! Follow along each step…
Step 1
Set aside a block of time (I would say a couple of hours) and commit to staying focused on just this task. If you have a rolling rack, set it up to easily look at items. If you don’t you can lay items on your bed.

Step 2
Get 3 bags, baskets or bins to separate items you will be getting rid of. The bags will be for Re-sale, Donate & Toss.
a. Resale items are items that are in good condition & current styles.
b. The Donate bag will be for items that are in good condition that may not be current or great for re-sale.
c. Lastly, the toss bag is for items that have stains, sweaters that are balled up, or anything worn out. (Don’t donate items that are in bad condition).
Step 3
Take one section of your closet at a time. Go through each item and ask yourself 3 questions:
1. Does it fit – If it is one size too big or too small and you love it, keep it. If it’s more than one size too big or small, let it go. Do not hang onto clothes that don’t fit you.
2. Does it fit the style you want? If not, let it go. Sometimes we buy things that are trendy, sparkly, or fun and then never wear it. Let those things go. Maybe, you are transitioning out of a style and its time to let things go… For instance, I reached a point where I could no longer wear higher heels. I held onto them because they were pretty. After transitioning out of wearing that type of shoe, I let them go.
3. What condition is it in? Yellowed, stained or damaged items need to go. If it needs a repair (button missing, etc.) leave it out to take to be repaired. Keep items you love, that are fun, comfortable and that you will wear.
If there is an item you absolutely love, and hate to part with, but you find you haven’t worn in the last 6 months, I have a trick for you. Keep it, but hang it with the hanger facing backwards and leave it that way until you wear it. I’ve done this and have found I never reach for it. If 6 months pass and you still haven’t worn it, let it go. The backwards hanger with be a “flagging” for you to watch and decide later.
Here are a few closet organizers that might help keep things in place:
I do not have a large closet. I keep Fall/Winter in my closet right now, and will switch to Spring/Summer in a few months. I just don’t have the space for all of it at the same time. And I fold things that I can fold.
When placing items back in the closet, do it by type: short sleeve, long sleeve, pants, dresses, etc. Then within each type, color code from lighter to darker.
Let me know if you have any questions! I’m happy to help or advise in any way I can. Good Luck!! You can do this!!!

I would love to be able to do this! But I’m always all over the place with clothes whether it’s style, color, or size thoughts.
I would like to know, how does one determine their color season? Or do you even go there?
I just go by what looks good with my skin tone. That can be tough.