Last year I decided to investigate hormone replacement therapy. I am 52, I’d gained weight, felt sluggish (needing naps all the time), had hot sweats and several other challenges. It is my understanding that because I have a history of cancer in my family that I should stay away from synthetic hormone replacement. So then, I began studying biodentical hormone replacement therapy. (You may have seen Suzanne Summers and Robin McGraw tell their stories)
I made an appointment for a consultation with Rejuvime Medical in Baton Rouge. I met with a nurse practitioner that explained I am the prime age for many of these symptoms and that BHRT could help, but first we needed to run blood work. I went ahead and did the blood work and met back with them to discuss my results. For the most part, my numbers were average and in a good healthy range. However, my testosterone level was extremely low. (yes, women need testosterone too!)
I was offered a prescription that I could have in 3 different ways: a cream, shots or a pellet placed under my skin. There was not much of a difference financially. I opted for the cream. I apply a specific amount to the top of my thigh every evening.
I have been on the cream for 6 months now and have seen great improvement. For me it was like a snowball effect…I wasn’t as tired, which gave me more energy to exercise, I started eating better, the hot sweats diminished and my mood is better. I am very happy with the results I’ve gotten and plan to continue as planned. This week I had an appointment to re-run my blood work after 6 months to check how my levels are now, so we can adjust medication as needed.
I hope this has been helpful information. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks for spending part of your day with me!
Mixhelle this is very useful information thank you!
You’re welcome! It has been such a positive change in my life! Thanks for stopping by to read about it!