After looking into Brazilian Keratin Treatments, with a desire to tame my frizzy hair I decided to try Lubricity Labs at home treatment. The ingredients are not harmful to inhale (unlike many other similar systems).

Here is a link explaining how Lubricity Labs originated: https://lubricitylabs.com/pages/story
I love that this was created right here in a Baton Rouge! The process was s quite simple. You apply step 1 to clean dry hair, put shower cap on (provided in box), let it process for 30 minutes. Remove shower cap, add step 2, put shower cap back on, let it process 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water and style. (No gloves needed)
Also included in the kit is a shampoo & conditioner (which I have been using and enjoy)

This photo was taken the night I did the treatment. My hair was clean, dry and looking quite frizzy😳)

This is after the treatment. This is what I’ve noticed so far: my hair is not straight, it still has its natural bend. When I step outside into humidity my hair does not get frizzy. One of my frustrations has been taking the time to curl my hair before going someplace, stepping outside to see about my puppy, and within a matter of minutes, my hair looking like I never curled it. I’m happy to say that is no longer the case! *You are supposed to use the entire bottle of step 1 & 2. I did not. I used half of each bottle. I am pleased with the results and plan to use the 2nd half when needed. I’ll keep you posted on how long it lasts!
Thanks for spending time with me today! Let me know what products you find helpful for taming frizzy hair!
Blessings, Michelle